Saturday, April 2, 2011

Letter to a Photograph

I still want nothing more than to take you home with me. I know you need love too. So do I. We could make a great pair right about now. You and me. Keep each other company.

It breaks my heart to think that you could still be there. That I left you. But I promise it wasn't by choice. If I could have supported you, you'd be here with me now. Everyone said it was for the best. I'm not so sure...but I hope so, because I really just wanted what was best for you. I guess we'll never know. I'm sorry that I haven't been back to visit you since that day. You really are perfect for me. Exactly what I have always wanted. I just hope there's still one out there for me, just like you. I hope you found a good home, a family to love you and treat you right. You are by far the cutest thing I have ever seen. I find myself wondering how big you've grown; what kind of trouble you've gotten yourself into. Just wanted to write and say I'm sorry one more time. I know my apology can never make up for not giving you the home and the love you deserve. Hope you are well and happier than ever. All my love.

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