Thursday, April 7, 2011

In-Class Video 4/07/11

I thought the video of the Iraqi women was extremely moving. Some of the stories of their oppression were nearly unbelievable. It was inspirational to see them sharing their own personal narratives through photography. It made me realize how much I take my freedom for granted. The fact that often these women were pulled out of schools and told it was worthless to educate them was extremely sad. And Never before have I ever wondered what it would be like to not have photography in my life or not be able to capture important moments/memories or not have an image to remember the features of my friends and family by. It was so sad to hear that three of the women so far have been killed for taking photographs. Thank the Lord I have never had to fear for my life because of wanting to capture an image that touches me or a beautiful moment in time.
It was especially interesting to hear their opinions of Americans and how we cause them problems. Often it seems we think we are solving everyone else's issues and making their lives better when in reality we are just creating greater hardships for them, killing their families, and oppressing them.

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